Prize Packages
Our pageant celebrates excellence with a total of six Queens, six Princesses, one King, and 33 Special Award Winners—ensuring more prizes and recognition for everyone!
Each Queen, Princess, and King will be honored with an international title, a custom-designed crown, and a personalized sash. Titles include International World Beauty Queen, World Princess, World King, and five Continental Queens and Princesses, each representing a specific continent and supporting a special global cause.
Special Award Winners will receive commemorative medals and exclusive opportunities for growth within the BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™ Pageant and beyond.
World Queen, World Princess & World King
$12,000 VALUE
$3,000 value 1- year contract with Universal Model & Talent "TOP MODEL" section
$2,200 value towards Leadership Development Program to the World Queen
$5,000 value towards Front Cover of UNIVERSAL MODELS & TALENT Fashion Magazine and a published story & photos on 3 dedicated pages
$1,000 From our Title Sponsor towards pageant fees
$500 value for custom-made top-quality satin sash with 4 rows of rhinestones
$300 value for prestigious beautiful crown that you get to keep for life
Our pageant provides you with a Powerful platform that will advance your career to a higher level, Official BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™ photo-shoot, Invitations to appear on Media, Film Festivals, Red Carpet VIP events, Galas & Receptions.
Queens will be the official ambassador and spokesperson for BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™

$3,000 value 1- year contract with Universal Model & Talent "TOP MODEL" section
$2,200 value towards Leadership Development Program to the World Princess
$5,000 value towards Front Cover of UNIVERSAL MODELS & TALENT Fashion Magazine and a published story & photos on 3 dedicated pages
$1,000 From our Title Sponsor towards pageant fees
$500 value for custom-made top-quality satin sash with 4 rows of rhinestones
$300 value for prestigious beautiful crown that you get to keep for life
Our pageant provides you with a Powerful platform that will advance your career to a higher level, Official BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™ photo-shoot, Invitations to appear on Media, Film Festivals, Red Carpet VIP events, Galas & Receptions.
Princesses will be the official ambassador and spokesperson for BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™
$3,000 value 1- year contract with Universal Model & Talent "TOP MODEL" section
$2,200 value towards Leadership Development Program to the World King
$5,000 value towards Front Cover of UNIVERSAL MODELS & TALENT Fashion Magazine and a published story & photos on 3 dedicated pages
$1,000 From our Title Sponsor towards pageant fees
$800 value for custom-made top-quality satin sash with 4 rows of rhinestones
Our pageant provides you with a powerful platform that will advance your career to a higher level, Official MISTER 5 CONTINENTS™ photo-shoot, Invitations to appear on Media, Film Festivals, Red Carpet VIP events, Galas & Receptions.
King will be the official ambassador and spokesperson for MISTER 5 CONTINENTS™
Continental Queens & Princesses
$7,800 EACH (TOTAL OF $78,000)
$3,000 value 1- year contract with Universal Model & Talent "TOP MODEL" section
$2,200 value towards Leadership Development Program to the World Queen
$1,000 value towards a full dedicated page with a published story & photos on UNIVERSAL MODELS & TALENT Fashion Magazine
$1,000 From our Title Sponsor towards pageant fees
$300 value for custom-made top-quality satin sash with 2 rows of rhinestones
$300 for prestigious beautiful crown that you get to keep for life
Our pageant provides you with a Powerful platform that will advance your career to a higher level, Official BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™ photo-shoot, Invitations to appear on Media, Film Festivals, Red Carpet VIP events, Galas & Receptions.
Continental Queens and Princesses will be the official ambassadors and spokespeople for BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™
Entourage for Queens, Princesses & King
From now on as the finalists to after the finals once you are elected Queens and Princesses, you can appoint an entourage of volunteers that could assist you in your journey. People you appoint can be chosen amongst your friends, family or fans that are passionate about the success in your journey and mission. The entourage consists of a Director of Styling, a Director of Image Consulting, a Director of Sponsorships, a Fitness Coach, a Director of Public Relations, a Director of Social Media Marketing, and a Director of Special Events Booking in each province, as well as a photographer, a videographer and other people to help you to complete your preparations. Please give them recognition in your social media and your events.
All above prizes are subject to change, will be paid in installments starting the end of the title term provided the title holder is in good standing with B5C.
BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™ has 10 Awards divided into three groups:
4 Special Awards
5 Fast Track Awards
1 Award to previous years’ Delegates
Special Awards
Miss Photogenic Award
This is a mandatory competition. Contestants must submit six high-resolution photos on DVD on the first day of Pageant Week. We remind all contestants not to submit photos on USB flash drives, as they will remain the property of the Pageant. Photos will be judged on the clarity of the photo as well as its quality (in the DVD format in which it was submitted—not the quality in which it could be printed). Judges also consider personality, grooming, fashion sense, and the contestant’s photogenic potential and ability.
Contestants must wear the B5C sash in all photos under consideration for the Miss Photogenic Award. Photos in which the contestant is not wearing the sash will be disqualified. B5C judges advise that contenders for the award be creative; express personal style in attire, makeup and hair; and adhere to professional standards with proper lighting and aesthetically pleasing backgrounds.
B5C’s sponsorship system encourages contestants to seek sponsors for their photo shoot. In past years, most contestants have had their photos taken at no charge because many photographers are eager to offer their services in exchange for the exposure the Pageant provides. B5C allows photographer credits to appear at the right bottom corner of each picture. Pictures submitted to B5C may be used in publications, press releases, marketing campaigns and on contestant pages on the BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™ website.
Social Media Genius Award
Miss Congeniality Award
The Miss Congeniality Award is bestowed upon delegates who are judged to have displayed the most positivity and genuine enthusiasm of spirit during Pageant Week. Miss Congeniality is an inspiring role model for young women who has positive interactions with all contestants, special guests, the B5C team and other persons she encounters.
Goodwill Ambassador Award
The Goodwill Ambassador Award honors the contestants who are deemed to have contributed the most to helping B5C build bridges with global, national and local development agencies. She is also recognized for connecting with sponsors, potential sponsors and interested parties, and for creating awareness of the Pageant and its themes in the outside world. Recipients of the Goodwill Ambassador Award will be crown holders.

Fast-track Awards
Fast-track competitions give contestants a great opportunity to shine because the recipients of fast-track awards automatically become Top Sixteen contestants. All fast-track award winners also receive 1st, 2nd and 3rd place medals, except for the recipient of the People’s Choice Award, who will be adorned with a crown and sash.
Best Talent Award

This is an optional preliminary competition. Any contestant who wishes to compete for the Best Talent Award should prepare a two-minute presentation showcasing her strongest performance talent. In an effort to give maximum exposure, the top five performers will be asked to entertain on gala night!
Common talent category choices include singing, dancing and playing an instrument. Contestants who are unsure whether their talent is appropriate can seek guidance from the B5C team. Remember, no presentation shall exceed two minutes.
Talents are scored based on demonstrated skills, costume and appearance, performance/entertainment value and overall impression. Contestants must make all necessary arrangements for any special equipment required. Please note that due to logistical limitations, pianos are not permitted, but performers may use keyboards. While the talent competition is a solo exercise, delegates with similar equipment needs are welcome to share, and those who need on-stage assistance are invited to nominate one partner or helper.
People's Choice Award
This is a mandatory competition. The winner of the People’s Choice Award is the contestant with the highest number of votes on the B5C website and Facebook page combined. The winner and her tally will be announced at the Crowning Gala. Because of the nature of this competition, the People’s Choice Award is an elevated opportunity for public recognition and self-marketing. The winner will receive a crown and sash.
In order to enter, contestants must provide a high resolution head shot, a biography not exceeding 200 words, and an introductory video of up to two minutes, giving your name, your home city, pertinent biographical details, your reason for entering the pageant and your plans for the future. The video must be in HD quality (that is, 720x1080 resolution) with professional standard lighting and no background noises. Videos should be uploaded to the BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™ YouTube Channel. Details about how to access the channel will be provided.
When preparation is complete, all requested components—headshot, biography and YouTube link—should be sent to info@BeautiesOf5Continents.com. Contestant biographies will appear on the B5C roster, in publications and press releases, and elsewhere; so ensure that they are well-written. After submissions are made, no changes will be permitted.
Although the People’s Choice Award is both a mandatory and fast-track competition that earns the winner a place in the top sixteen, it is independent from the competition for the BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™ titles—that is, the winner of the award will not have a corresponding score counted toward her overall pageant tally.
Positive Body Image Award (Swimsuit Model Award)

This is a mandatory preliminary competition, alternately called the swimsuit competition.
Contestants will select a two-piece swimsuit and a pair of high heels. Swimsuits can be traditional, or they can reflect the active wear trend as long as they consist of a short top and a short bottom. Accessories such as glasses, hats, jewelry, etc., are welcome. Judges will score according to physical appearance including complexion and skin tone, poise, display of energy and charisma, expression of confidence and composure, and overall presentation and impression.
Miss Sport Award
This is a mandatory preliminary competition. The Miss Sports Award winner is chosen for her strength, agility, endurance, flexibility and display of sportsmanship and ethical conduct during B5C’s line-up of sporting activities, which will be announced at a later date. Contestants are reminded to bring fitness wear for this portion of the competition.
Top Model Award
This is a mandatory competition. The Top Model Award is conferred on outstanding contestants for their catwalk confidence and presence during preliminaries and the entirety of Pageant Week.
Outstanding Ambassador Award
The Outstanding Ambassador Award is reserved for past delegates who are good role models for young woman and show a long-term commitment to the B5C legacy beyond their own pageant year. Recipients are congenial in their participation in pageant-related activities and have positive interactions with contestants, the B5C team, guests and others they encounter. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place medal winners in this category will be honored on stage on gala night and recognized in the program book, both in print and virtually.
Other Competitions
On-stage questions will be posed to Top Sixteen and Top Five finalists.
At BEAUTIES OF 5 CONTINENTS™ we understand that while pageants are pleasurable experiences, the combination of stiff competition and near-and-dear personal aspirations can lead to fear, stress and anxiety. We try to keep stressors to a minimum during the on-stage interview by eliminating the advent of surprise questions. Top Sixteen finalists will be asked questions based on their 200-word bios. Top Five finalists will be provided with representative sample questions prior to entering the interview.
The objective of the interview is to evaluate contestants’ capacity for thinking on their feet and responding ad lib. Crown holders must demonstrate their ability to answer general interest questions that may reference but are not limited to current local, regional and global issues and events.
Scoring is based on overall impressions, whether contestants provide in-context answers, whether contestants show that they can handle the pressure of communicating with a large audience, and whether judges believe young people will find their personas relatable, knowledgable and influential.