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Let’s Enjoy Our Femininity

Many people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges,” says Pavlína Ivanová-Tongeľová. The ability of many women to unite people rather than divide them is, in her view, a good way to contribute to a better change in society. We women, as bearers of new life and beauty, can inspire men to do beneficial actions. Pavlína herself went through a difficult period in her life, which also brought her new knowledge.

Values of Kalokagathia

We often hear that people who find themselves at the edge of life and death subsequently realize the importance of living life to the fullest and not just surviving passively.One day I found myself in a hospital bed in a very health condition, I was literally a unique textbook case but luckily I survived. And at that moment I realized that was possible for me and I also wanted to continue to be here for my children, my family, my loved ones, and I still have the opportunity to fulfill my other dreams,” begins her story the charming Pavlína. Very often in her life she had job positions or activities where she was constantly in contact with women, whether as a university teacher or when organizing fashion shows. Not in the spirit of feminism, but in the sense of supporting female energy. We can enrich society by how special each of us is. Pavlína is very careful about the values ​​of kalokagathia, i.e. harmony and balance of the physical and mental being of a person. Even during the fashion shows, I paid attention to harmonizing the outer beauty with the inner one, I wanted to point out and underline what is in us women.

A Multidimensional Woman

Pavlína was brought up in a very modest way, she devoted her whole life to playing the violin, and when she finished her PhD studies at the University of Economics in Bratislava in 2009, she was approached by Mrs. World to represent Slovakia at the Mrs. Globe SR. They had met before at Mrs. Slovak Republic in 1996, where Pavlína had competed. Both her children, son and daughter, enthusiastically supported their mom, as well as her students at the time. By means of beauty and charisma competitions I connected academic environment with fashion,explains Pavlína. However, serious health problems came again and Pavlína had to withdraw from the teaching process. They saved me again at the last moment in the hospital. I really wanted to devote myself to the humanization of economics in the 21st century. My desire to live was very strong and I felt that I still wanted to give something to this world.

When pursuing her dreams, a woman radiates energy with which she can influence or inspire those around her. She is capable of bringing people together and making the world a better place, claims Pavlína.


She used to take her children with her to a lot of events she organized. This could also have inspired them to get by in life, as her son Peter is a music producer who studied in England and currently lives and works in Spain and her daughter Zuzka studied in London and found happiness in Prague. Pavlína is also musically talented thanks to playing the violin. She even recorded her own CD. In addition to the aforementioned activities, she co-authored the following books with a colleague of hers:  Spoločnosť 5.0, (Society 5.0), Malé a stredné podniky - súčasnosť a budúcnosť (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - Present and Future), Štvrtá priemyselná revolúcia a piaty civilizačný zlom (Fourth Industrial Revolution and Fifth Turning Point of Civilization), Nové rozhrania spoločnosti a ekonómie (New Interfaces of Society and Economy)… She herself wrote books Mosty ponad búrlivé vody (Bridges over Stormy Waters) and Humanizácia ekonomiky a makroekonomické procesy v 21. storočí (Humanization of Economy in 21st Century) – this book is also translated into Englishand many other books. When you get off the train due to a temporary serious illness and then, even if you are already in full health and vitality but in middle or mature age, it is really difficult, even impossible, to get a job again despite having a lot of life and professional experience and skills.

A Combination of Outer and Inner Beauty

In 2021, Pavlína also participated in the Beauties of Five Continents pageant where she received an award for presenting ideas in the spirit of humanity and solidarity in the English language. Among other things, the competition helped her improve her English and not fall into skepticism (since she has been, unfortunately, unemployed so far). In December 2021, she even won the title of Queen of Europe 2021/2022. I really like the idea of ​​connecting beauty, charity, intellect and humanity. I also worked with the Center for Children and Families in Bratislava, as I consider helping others important if they need it,” explains Pavlína. The international competition also aims to help children in need by having its ambassadors, including Pavlína, on all continents: A woman with her feminine strength, who has healthy self-esteem and is sensitive to others, naturally intelligent, creative and knows what she wants from life, believes in herself and is herself, can be an inspiration for creativity and self-actualization for other women and men as well. Let’s be creative and, at the same time, sensitive to the needs of others.

“Let’s enjoy our femininity and cultivate our inner world with beauty and truth. Let’s live to the fullest, that’s the only way we can inspire and bring more beauty into the lives of ourselves and others.”

On her life’s journey, she met many good and willing people, to whom she is very grateful: “Make-up artist Lucia Woloszyn Freund, Veronika Bednárová “Nikushka, video maker Branislav Zajíček and photographer Dominik Kurina.”

Among them, she also mentions the weekly Slovenka: “Your magazine stood by me more than once, whether there were fashion shows or health problems or professional successes... You always showed up somewhere. If I manage to inspire some women to realize their self-worth again and the beauty of life’s values, even by means of this magazine, I will be glad that I shared my thoughts, which help me not to give up and to believe in goodness,concludes Pavlína with a smile.

Translated by Nina Vartíková




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